Overview: Depth of Field is a powerful tools a photographer to create emphasis in their work. We will work on a still life composition and focus on different objects to master this skill.
Step 1:
Begin by exploring Still Life Photography and examining excellent examples at the links below:
Painted Examples
Photography Examples
Stock Photography Sites
Getty Images
Shutter Stock
Step 2: In a new blog entry titled "Still Life Preview" and answer the following questions
1. Review the painting example and provide a list of three items that were often seen in painted still life artwork.
2. In your own words, write a paragraph that explains what factors the photographer must consider when doing still life photography.
3. Why is the Aperture Priority mode on the camera helpful when doing still life photography?
4. Why is a small aperture sometimes beneficial for still life photography?
Step 3: Explore ideas for Stock Photography sites above and answer the questions below.
1. Find an example of Stock Photography that interests you and post it to your blog.
2. What is an example of Stock Photography that you could take at your home or in Austin?
3. Who is interested in buying stock photography?
4. Why should commercial photographers consider shooting stock photography?
Step 4: Plan your Still Life Shoot
1. What are some objects that you have that you could arrange for a Still Life shoot?
2. What backdrop/background could you use to enhance the emphasis on subject or contribute to setting the scene of the photograph?
3. What kind of feeling are you trying to evoke by grouping these objects and background together?
Link to Word Document version of assignment:
Standard Assignment Option:
Make a set of still life images by altering the depth of field for each image.
1. Focusing consistently on the
front object, make 3 correct exposures adjusting the f/stop from widest to middle to smallest. [total of 3 exposures]
2. Focusing consistently on the
middle object, make 3 correct exposures adjusting the f/stop from widest to middle to smallest. [total of 3 exposures]
3. Focusing consistently on the
far object, make 3 correct exposures adjusting the f/stop from widest to middle to smallest. [total of 3 exposures]
Creative Assignment Option:
Create 3 sets of still-life compositions of at least three 3 different objects. Choose your objects and book with intention so their is a feeling or meaning evoked by the image. Think creatively. This creativity will figure in your grade.
- Arrange the objects at varying distances from the camera.
- Using a tripod and a normal focal length lens (about 40 mm), frame you image to get a tight composition with little or no background.
- Make sure you can see some of the text in the composition
- Light the still-life using window or artificial light; either way, use reflector cards to add fill light into the shadow areas.
- Use manual focus
1. FIRST SET: Make 3 correct exposures adjusting the f/stop from widest to middle to smallest. [total of 3 exposures]
2. SECOND SET make 3 correct exposures adjusting the f/stop from widest to middle to smallest. [total of 3 exposures]
3. THIRD SET, make 3 correct exposures adjusting the f/stop from widest to middle to smallest. [total of 3 exposures]
Formal assignment: A total of 9 images will be submitted for this project. You will submit this assignment by saving your final images on your blog in an entry titled "Still Life Major Assignment."
Will be based on following directions, use of a tripod, correct exposure determination, and overall effectiveness of your compositions. This is only a basic summary of the job requirements. Much additional important information will be give to you by your instructor during regular classroom sessions.