Monday, November 30, 2015

Headshots or Self Portrait Plan

Overview: For your Bio photo, you have two options: a standard headshot or a self portrait. Read the directions below to decide on what option is best for you. You will take THREE headshots of yourself or THREE self portraits to your student blog. Later you can use one of these photos as your bio picture for your Contact page of your FolioHD account and Snapwire account.

Option 1: 

Headshot overview: A headshot is a photographic technique where the focus of the photograph is a person’s face. Sounds simple, but there is actually a lot to consider:
  • Eyes (catch lights)
  • Angles
  • Light
  • Hair
  • Lens Selection
To help you prepare for taking headshots read the tutorials below and watch the associated videos. If you can't watch the videos, let Mr. Doerr know so he can assist you.


Fill Light and Key Light

Simple Seamless Headshots on a white backdrop

How to take perfect headshots:

Tips for Professional head shots using one flash

One photographer's setup for Headshots

Another Photographer's light setup for headshots

Headshots with a single light

Lens Selection and Distortion

Creating "catch lights"

If you decide to do a headshot, do the following:
  1. Make a blog post titled "Headshot plan." The plan should include the following information:
    1. How many light sources are you going to use (including any reflectors)? Be specific.
    2. Will you use constant lights or strobes (flashes) or both?
    3. How many PocketWizards will you need?
    4. How are you going to create a "catch light?"
    5. What lens will you use? Why? Be specific. 
  2. Post an example of what you want your finished headshot to look like.

Option 2: 

Self portrait Overview: A self portrait is a photo of the photographer that expresses the personality and style of the photographer.

Step 2: Review the links below to get some ideas on how to take your own self portrait.

Or try searching on the Digital Photography School website or on Google for "Self Portrait tutorial/example."

You may have another student help you with your self portrait, but you are responsible for achieving the look you are wanting. Your helper may only help you with logistics of taking the photo. You should have the final say on the finished product.

You may use the studio lights and backdrop if you want to recruit an advanced commercial photography student to help you set up your shot. However, I will not be able to teach you how to do this at this time.

If you decide to do a self portrait, do the following:
  1. Make a blog post titled "Self Portrait plan." The plan should include the following information:
    1. How many light sources are you going to use (including any reflectors)? Be specific.
    2. Will you use constant lights or strobes (flashes) or both?
    3. How many PocketWizards will you need?
    4. What props will you use? Why? Be specific.
    5. What background will you use? Why? Be specific.
    6. What lens will you use? Why? Be specific. 
  2. Post an example of what you want your finished self portrait to look like.

You will post THREE headshots of yourself or THREE self portraits to your student blog. Later you can use one of these photos as your bio picture for your Contact page of your FolioHD account and Snapwire account.

Rubric for Portraits:

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