Sunday, August 30, 2015

Problems and Solutions Student Plans

Overview: If you are enrolled in a "Problems and Solutions" class, you must complete a Student Plan within the first 15 days of enrollment to comply with state law.

Directions: Review the Google Document and student plans that have been filled out in previous years to help you fill out the form found at the link below.

Problems and Solutions Google Form

To see a list of projects or "presentations" see the Google Document linked below.

Project Examples

Due Date: You must complete and submit your Student Plan by Sept. 3.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Composition Review

When you were in Graphic Design class, you learned 10 rules of photography.

Below is a link to a list of the rules in case you are rusty. Remember, ignore the one at the end called Experiment and sub in the "Avoiding Mergers" rule you have learned before.


Please pick a theme, I don't care what theme you choose: football, guitars, Justin Beiber, whatever.
Then use Google Image search and find photos relating to your theme.

Find photos that show good examples of the following photo composition rules. Show me that you understand these rules. Make sure to tell me which photo represents which rule, i.e. label your photos with the proper rule title.

Once, again, here is your list of rules:

1. Rule of thirds
2. Balancing Elements
3. Leading Lines
4. Symmetry and Patterns (repetition)
5. Viewpoint
6. Background
7. Create depth
8. Framing
9. Cropping
10. Mergers and avoiding them

When you have posted 10 photos – you’re done!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

First SMART Plan for 2nd and 3rd Year Students

Overview: Students in second or third year Commercial Photography will be asked to fill out a SMART Plan for every six weeks. You are responsible for developing at least one MAJOR PROJECT for each six weeks grading period.

Look at the link to completed SMART Plans at the bottom to get some ideas on what other students have done.

Use the online form to submit your SMART plan. Make sure you finish it in one sitting because it won't save your progress if you don't submit but he time the bell rings.

The links are below and also on Trello.

Link to online SMART PLAN submission form:

Link to completed online SMART plans:

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Directions for Creating or Updating a Student Blog

New to Blogger?

If you do not have a Blogger account, that is the first thing you will need to set up to turn in your work for this class.

The first thing we want to do is check to see if you can access your old student blog if you previously took this class at Akins.

FOR MOST students:

If you can access your old blog, you simply need to change it's title. You can do this simply by clicking on "Settings" on the list of options on the left. Then you should click on "Title" and then change the name to something like "Amanda's Commercial Photo Blog."

Save your changes and then click on "View Blog" to see if the changes apply.

IMPORTANT: Copy the URL from the address bar and then paste into an e-mail that you send me. The e-mail should contain the following information:

The e-mail should be sent to:

Subject : My blog
Full Name: ____
Paste URL here: ______
User Name: ________
Password: _______ (Only provide this if you are setting up this account separate from your personal e-mail account and you are afraid you will forget this password. This would only be used in the event that you lose your password to your blog.)


If you cannot access your old blog or if you transferred from another school, below are the directions on how to set up an account on blogger.

IMPORTANT: Because of a problem with Google, we will try to set up Blogger Accounts on mobile devices. If you did not bring a mobile device today, you can try to do it on a computer, but you might have to do it at home.


This year we will be using Blogger to publish and post many of our assignments on the Internet.

To accomplish this we have to set up an account. Please follow the instructions carefully. It's important that you do each step correctly and that you remember all the vital information so you can get back to your blog later.

Here's how:

What you will need:
· Internet access
· An e-mail account (preferably Google Mail or Yahoo Mail)

First – Create a Blogger account
Open an Internet browser such as Safari.
· Click on the orange “Sign Up” box at the top right of your screen. If you have a Google Mail account this will be really easy.

Step 1

  • Enter your name
  • Enter a display name – Do NOT use your full real name. To be safe, we will keep our blogs semi-anonymous
  • Enter a password and WRITE IT DOWN
  • Enter a cell phone number for verification 
  • Enter the word verification
  • Click on the “accept terms box, and hit continue·
  • If there are any problems, they will show up in red.
  • Fix the problems
  •  Once your account is created, you will see an option at the top that says "Create a Blog."

Step 2

  • In the blog title box, enter “first name’s Commercial Photo Blog” (Ex: Matt’s Commercial Photo Blog)
  • In the (URL) box, enter the same thing as the title, but with no spaces or apostrophe (Ex: mattsphotojournalismblog)
  • Hit “Check Availability”
  • If it is available, hit continue. If it is not, select one of the suggestions, and then hit continue.
  • Select a template and hit continue·
  •  You did it!

Step 3

  • Hit “Start Posting”
  • Type “Welcome to my blog” in the post subject line, and click “Publish Now.”
  • Click on “View Blog” to see the results.


  • Find the URL (web address) in the browser address bar.
  • Select and copy the web address (URL) of your new blog (ex:

Step 4

  • Open your email account
  • Send an email with the following info to:

  • Subject : My blog
  • Full Name: ____
  • Paste URL here: ______
  • User Name: ________
  • Password: _______ (Only provide this if you are setting up this account separate from your personal e-mail account and you are afraid you will forget this password. This would only be used in the event that you lose your password to your blog.)

Welcome to Commercial Photography Class!

Welcome to the Akins Commercial Photography program!

In this course, students will develop their photography and marketing skills with the aim of one day being able to make a living as a photographer.

This is not just a photography class. This is also a business class in which you learn how to solve the problem of how to turn your photography skills into a sought after commodity for which you can charge a fee for your services.

Photography is certainly an art form, but to be able to practice this art, you must learn how to meet the needs of customers.

See the list below for just a few examples of photography that people are often willing to spend their hard earned dollars on:
  • Family Portraits
  • Student Portraits
  • Professional Headshots
  • Stock Photos for publications/ads
  • Wall Art
The bottom line is that in our modern world, everyone needs photos. You just need to be a good enough photographer and business person to get paid to do it.

Student Blogs
Spend a few minutes looking at the student blogs from last year to familiarize yourself with the assignments the students did in this class.

Student Portfolios
Spend a few minutes looking at the portfolios of students from last year to familiarize yourself with the type of photography that you will do int this class.

Student Work for Sale
Also spend a few minutes exploring the Commercial Photography class's SmugMug account, where students learn how to setup, mange and sell the photos they take.

First Class Assignment:

Today you will find out what you do under a short deadline.
  • Everyone will take a portrait of a classmate using a 50mm lens. 
  • Everyone will have 10 minutes to take their portrait.
  • We only have four 50mm lenses so we will have to take turns taking photos while other pairs are interviewing each other.
If you want to get some tips on taking good Portraits go here:

Interview Questions:
Below are some basic interview questions that must be answered:
  1. What is your full name (first and last)? 
  2. What’s your age, grade and academy? 
  3. What was your favorite experience over the summer break? 
  4. Why do you like photography?
  5. If money was not an issue, what would you want to do after high school?
  6. Write two questions of your own.

Flipwork Assignment (Homework)

Spend some time at home exploring Digital Photography School tutorials and Flickr and check out some of the tutorials and types of photography featured on these Web sites.

Save or screen capture an image from these Web sites that shows an example of something you want to learn how to do during this class.

On Wednesday, you will post examples of what you want to shoot this year on your class blog.

IMPORTANT: You might need to use the SCREEN CAPTURE feature on the Mac to save these images. To do this hold "Command" + "Shift" and then hit the 4 key to select an area on your screen and save it automatically to your desktop as a JPEG.

Add the following to a Word Document 
  • Title of type of photography: 
  • Post an image example on your blog:
  • Write a brief explanation (at least 100 words) that explains why this is something you want to learn how to do as a commercial photographer:
  • Post a CLICKABLE LINK to a tutorial that explains how to do this photography.